Learning how to hold space for yourself from a place of love rather than judgement, building a deeper relationship with your intuition to increase self trust, replacing draining habits that no longer serve you for new and improve ones that fill up your cup, releasing comparison and REALLY learning how to embrace your true beauty, your true uniqueness and your true essence.

These are just a few of the many practices we will be putting into motion throughout the Alignment Experience. It is time to bring your attention and focus back to self where it belongs so that you may build the confidence and self trust to share with the world what you truly desire. We all came to Earth with a multitude of gifts and a multitude of purpose. Are you leaning in to your power ? Are you afraid? Do you feel lost/ stuck? Do you judge yourself for procrastinating? Has your confidence taken a hit over the years? Do you FEEL how BEAUTIFUL you are?!?!

If any of this resonates, let us dig in together.


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